About us

Vintage-Inspired, Modern Memories: Another Travel Album Story

I'm Tanya, and my passion for preserving memories was sparked by my grandmother's cherished family albums. Her albums filled with stories and snapshots captivated me from a young age, instilling a lifelong appreciation for preserving moments.

At Another Travel Album, we unite like-minded people who value reflections and experiences. As a visual person, I was frustrated by the lack of aesthetic options for preserving travel memories beyond digital archives.

Inspired by my grandmother's albums, I created a travel album that resonated with friends who appreciated its beauty and functionality. Their enthusiasm led to the birth of Another Travel Album. Our successful Kickstarter launch was a pivotal moment, connecting us with those who share our vision.

Join us on this journey as we celebrate wanderlust, safeguard memories, and craft Another Travel Album that encapsulates the essence of every adventure.